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  • Alumni
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Keren was a post-doctoral fellow interested frontal executive control.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Ziev is a post-doctoral student and neurosurgery resident interested in motor plasticity and neural prosthetic development. He enjoys photography in his free time
Rebecca Gwaltney was an undergraduate student who is interested in examining the neuronal basis of how animals interact.
Research Associate
Michelle was a research fellow who was ecstatic to have just joined the lab
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Rollin Hu was a post-doctoral fellow interested in corticospinal neuronal prosthetic development and motor sequence control.
Undergraduate Student
Martin Kiik was an undergraduate student interested in CNS regeneration and developing high throughput methods for testing different nerve regenerative techniques.
Graduate Student
Maryam was a graduate student interested in developing real-time computational decoding models for motor decision making and execution in awake-behaving animals.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Kostas was a post-doctoral fellow who was interested in intraoperative neurophysiologic recordings and developing new techniques for peripheral nerve reconstruction.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Wenhua Zhang was a post-doctoral fellow interested in working memory and cortical-cortical information transfer.
Undergraduate Student
Jonas St Fleur is an undergraduate student interested in social neuroscience.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Firas is a post-doctoral student interested social neuroscience
Graduate Student
Matt is a graduate student interested in studying learning and memory in primates.
Undergraduate Student
Lance Johnson is an undergraduate interested in cognitive neuroscience and memory
Research Associate
Steve is a research associate in the lab, working on many projects
Graduate Student
Gabe is a medical student interested in brain machine interfaces and neural prosthetics.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Coka Hu is a post-doctoral student interested in primate social behavior and neural prosthetics
Graduate Student
Dan Lee is a graduate student interested in intraoperative human neurophysiology and language processing
Undergraduate Student
Christine Emmanuel was an undergraduate student interested in the neural correlates of animal social behavior.
Undergraduate Student
Akshay Sharma was an undergraduate student interested in the effect of deep brain stimulation on human behavior, including emotion perception and moral decision making.
Undergraduate Student
Caitlin Commins was an undergraduate student interested in decision making in primates.
Undergraduate Student
Carlos Ortega was an undergraduate who's interested in human social behavior.
Undergraduate Student
Brigitte is a Northeastern undergrad student athlete majoring in behavioral neuroscience. I am interested in studying decision making and social relationships.
Undergraduate Student
Jake is an undergraduate student studying biology and physics. He is interested in studying the social interactions of primates and primate cognition. In his free time he likes to ski and listen to music.
Undergraduate Student
Ben is an undergraduate student interested in neural mechanisms behind decision making and the modulation of neurotransmitter systems by drugs. He like to sail in his free time.
Graduate Student
Britney is a medical student at the University of Massachusetts interested in intraoperative human neurophysiology.
Undergraduate Student
Abe is a undergraduate student interested in social cognition and wants to explore the neural correlates of social behaviors.
Undergraduate Student
Jack is an undergraduate interested in the neuronal underpinnings of social behavior as well as the interaction between drugs of abuse and the brain.
Undergraduate Student
Yankai is an undergraduate student.
Research Associate
Emma Mastrobattista is a research associate interested in social neuroscience and studying collaborative decision making in primates
Undergraduate Student
Leah is an undergraduate student interested in social neuroscience and the neural underpinnings of behavioral differences between sexes.
Undergraduate Student
Aidan is an undergraduate student
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Sarah is a neurosurgery resident
Sydney is an undergraduate student interested in social neuroscience
Undergraduate Student
Nicole is an undergraduate student interested in social neuroscience
Research Associate
Omer is an research associate working on rodent projects
Undergraduate Student
Moe is an undergraduate student interested in cognitive neuroscience
Research Associate
Mackenna is a post-graduate research associate interested in memory circuits using rodent models
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Ben is a neurosurgery resident interested in studying executive motor control. He enjoys ski touring and running.
Research Associate
Polly is a research associate interested in social neuroscience and brain-machine interfaces.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Martina is a neurosurgery resident interested in social neuroscience in primates and humans.
Ray is an instructor who is interested in social neuroscience. This brought him to Boston to work with Ziv in trying to answer fundamental questions about how our brains represent our social environment and how they enact decisions.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Yoav is a post-doctoral fellow in the lab
Medical Student
Patrick Ng is a medical student interested in the intersection of neurosurgery and translational neuroscience, as well as the mechanisms of complex cognition. He enjoys running, meditation, and bonsai.
Ethan Wong
Undergraduate Student
Ethan is an undergraduate student interested in Neurobiology, majoring in Biology with a Data Science minor at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Stephanie is an undergraduate student interested in neurolinguistics, she majors in Psychology and Linguistics at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Allie Cauchon is an undergraduate student interested in neuropsychiatric disorders and majors in Behavioral Neuroscience at Northeastern University.
Graduate Co-op
Yuxin is a student interested in neuroscience and machine learning and looks forward to exploring their intersection. She majors in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Tarun is an undergraduate student interested in neuroengineering, majoring in Bioengineering and Biochemistry with a minor in Data Science at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Alex is an undergraduate student interested in computational neuroscience and linguistics. He majors in Health Science at Northeastern University.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Arjun is a neurosurgery resident who joined the Williams Lab to explore the intersection between clinical neurosurgery and academic neurosciences. He is interested in learning translating discoveries and inventions made in the laboratory to improve neurosurgical care.
Undergraduate Student
Aiden is an undergraduate student interested in data analytics and computational neuroscience, majoring in Data Science and Mathematics at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Khushi is an undergraduate student interested in computational neuroscience with clinical applications. She is majoring in Data Science and Behavioral Neuroscience at Northeastern University.