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  • Graduate Students
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  • Post-Doctoral Fellows
  • Undergraduates
  • Ziv
Principal Investigator
Ziv is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, and faculty of Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology, Harvard Medical School Program in Neuroscience and the MGH-HMS Center for Nervous System Repair
Mohsen is an instructor interested in systems/computational neuroscience. His primary focus is on understanding the neural basis of complex decision making process in humans and brain machine interfaces.
Jill is an Instructor interested in higher level processes in the brain.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Irene is a post-doctoral fellow interested in cognitive neuroscience and interspecies comparisons between the monkey and human brain. In particular, she is interested in how the prefrontal cortex has functionally evolved from primates to humans, leading to progressively more complex cognitive functions and behaviors.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
William joined the team with an interest in cortical dynamics during cognitive processes. He received his MD and PhD in Neuroscience and Physiology from New York University, and is currently a neurosurgery resident at MGH. As a MD, William is also interested on how the findings of basic research can be utilized in clinical applications.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Amy Wang is a neurosurgery resident interested in social neuroscience, art and disco.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Will is a psychiatry resident interested in neural mechanisms underlying group decision making and social constructs. Outside of lab, he enjoys brewing beer, cooking, and exploring the world.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Gabe is a post-doctoral fellow with an interest in cognitive neuroscience. His primary focus lies in analyzing the neural mechanisms underpinning social behavior and emotions within the non-human primate brain.
Research Technician
DJ is a student interested in the intersection of neuroscience, neural networks, brain-machine interfaces, and all things physics. His focus is on combining these subjects to enhance clinical and neurosurgical care.
Medical Student
Audrey is a MD/PhD student in the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program and is into cognitive neuroscience, art, reading, yoga, and biking around Boston.
Medical Student
Joon is a Harvard medical student working on language and network modeling
Medical Student
Ben is a medical student in the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program interested in understanding the neural basis of language processing and speech production.
Graduate Student
Winslow is a graduate student in English Literature and a premedical student interested in the intersection of linguistics and neuroscience.
Undergraduate Student
Ben is an undergraduate student interested in computational neuroscience. He majors in Computer Science at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Rishab is an undergraduate student interested in artificial intelligence and computational neuroscience. He majors in Neuroscience at Harvard University.
Undergraduate Student
Analise is an undergraduate student interested in the intersection of data analytics with systems neuroscience and neurolinguistics. She is majoring in Data Science and Behavioral Neuroscience at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Ethan is an undergraduate student interested in machine learning and is majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Athena is an undergraduate student who is fascinated by the brain and the clinical applications of research. She is majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience with a minor in Data Science at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Emery is an undergraduate student interested in Natural Language Processing. He majors in Computer Science and Linguistics at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Brady is an undergraduate student interested Behavior and Ecology. He Majors in Computer Engineering & Computer Science at Northeastern University.
Undergraduate Student
Liz is an undergraduate student interested in social neuroscience, she majors in Biology and Mathematics at Northeastern University.
High School Student
Cyril is a high school student interested in neuroscience and its many fields of study.